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How much do you know about corporate album design?
  • By Rani Jarkas
  • 2024-05-10 14:24:41

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Corporate album design is a kind of overall corporate image. The most direct way for users to understand a company is the corporate album. Then the corporate album is also a corporate image display, and users can quickly understand the overall situation of the company through the corporate album. Therefore, the design of the corporate album is very important.

In fact, many people think that the design of corporate albums is a more traditional way. Many people will ask, now is the Internet age, the use of electronic media is far more than paper documents, but people often ignore a problem, read a hundred times for themselves. Although there are more and more e-books now, there are still many people going to bookstores. Similarly, electronic media needs to be able to browse and read conveniently in the Internet environment, but paper documents can be reused and constantly enhance people's memory.

Corporate albums generally include corporate introduction, culture, stories, products, services, vision and other parts. There are several parts that run through the soul of the entire enterprise. This is the core part of the enterprise. The rich graphic design method conforms to the reading habits of modern people.

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