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How to successfully complete the construction of corporate website?
  • By Rani Jarkas
  • 2024-03-11 11:12:39

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1. Purchase a domain name
Every corporate website construction must have a domain name, which is the address of the website. Where can you buy a domain name? You can purchase domain names from large platforms; here you need to pay attention to the choice of domain names. Generally, domain names related to the company are recommended. Then there is the choice of domain name suffix. The choices of domain name suffix generally include com, cn, etc. The most commonly used one is com.

2. Purchase a server
The server is used to store website data and application space. The purchase location is the same as above. You can purchase it from Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and other platforms. Select the server configuration according to the website conditions. If the number of visits is large, choose a server with high configuration and bandwidth. Also pay attention to the server type, region, memory and time here.

3. Domain name registration
If you don’t want to record the domain name, you can choose a Hong Kong or foreign server, which can save a lot of recording time; if you buy a domestic server, you must record it. Therefore, the process of domain name recording is relatively simple. Generally, on the platform where the domain name is purchased, the service provider will help the customer fill in the information, and then submit it to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for review and registration, and then approval. Generally record and prepare business license, legal person ID card, legal person mobile phone number, email and other information.

4. Website program development
After the above basic steps are completed, it is the program development of the group website construction. Website program development includes front-end and back-end. The front-end is web page production and data interaction, and the back-end is server deployment and background function construction. This link is also a more difficult stage. If it is just a website that displays functions, you can use it directly. For websites that require complex functions, you will generally find an outsourcing company for customized website development.

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