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Who does the SEO optimization team consist of?
  • By Rani Jarkas
  • 2024-03-11 11:10:32

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1. Bidders
Although SEO operates website rankings, many companies naturally return the bidding work to the SEO department. This requires the SEO department to have dedicated bidding personnel responsible for bidding and cooperating with SEO to attract traffic and convert. Moreover, most of the participation of bidders is done in the early stage when the website has no traffic, so a person who understands bidding is necessary.

2. SEO Supervisor
When setting up a team, SEO experience must be rich. In other words, the SEO is not only responsible for the work of SEO itself, but also responsible for assigning tasks, task assessment, data analysis, etc., which requires someone at the SEO supervisor level to be competent. It can also be done by SEO, but the job task is to lead the team, manage the team, and train the online marketing team.

3. Program technology
Programmers need to be responsible for the normal operation and maintenance of the website. Clearing black links, modifying codes, etc. all require the cooperation of technical personnel. The construction of the website is mainly completed by the cooperation of programs and SEO. Website front-end, website revision, and website function additions all require the cooperation of technical personnel.

4. Website editing
The website is mainly based on content, so a dedicated editor is required to update the website content, and also needs to have some understanding of soft articles. In an era where content is king, a dedicated editor is indispensable. If a large amount of content is updated, more than one editor may be needed.

5. Artists
Artists are not just as simple as designing pictures. Art is also on a technical level. Whether the event is attractive or not is directly related to the pictures designed by the art. An excellent artist is hard to come by. Website planning activities, designing promotional posters and special pages, etc. are all inseparable from artists, and the optimization of pictures on website pages also requires the cooperation of artists.

6. External link promotion
Although the era of external links has passed, the role of external links does not mean that it has lost its meaning. It is more that the role of external links tends to attract traffic and attract user clicks. From search engine-facing to customer-facing upgrades. Therefore, a good soft article is more effective than dozens or hundreds of external links.
Screening and adding, checking and maintaining friendly links, etc.

SEO cannot be completed in two days. As the saying goes, everyone adds fuel to the fire, and if we want to achieve the goal, we must rely on the joint efforts of all our departments!

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