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Website Design Appreciation How to position corporate website design?
  • By Rani Jarkas
  • 2024-04-18 08:54:02

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Websites with strong therapeutic appeals are based on facts and focus on products or technologies. Through products or technologies, they highlight the characteristics of the company and conduct marketing activities. The focus is on the visual impact and appeal of the products or technologies.

This type of website design company often spares no words on products or technologies, establishes its marketing position with rational appeals, and strives to create a technology-leading atmosphere in the minds of customers, thereby generating a sense of trust in the enterprise.

Obviously, this type of site has relatively low requirements in terms of design, but it must be highlighted in terms of technology, product promotion, display and application, as well as its specific impact on reality, and must be consistent in style. The best way is to It is consistent with the company's CI image to maintain a sustainable image of the company among consumers online and offline, thereby establishing a solid position.

The comprehensive type is also relatively common, which is to combine the above two, because for the same product, different people may make different decisions based on it - sometimes the characteristics of the product itself can determine whether you are rational or rational.

Therefore, we must pay attention to differentiation when creating the atmosphere of the website: if one aspect cannot fully explain the characteristics of the product or service, we must combine the two and make rational and rational appeals in different parts. To impress different types of customers, we not only highlight the company's technical advantages with a large number of facts, but also create a rational atmosphere and emphasize the value that products or services bring to people. Through the combination of the two, we jointly create the uniqueness of the company. atmosphere of.

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