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What layout details should be clarified during website optimization?
  • By Rani Jarkas
  • 2024-04-18 08:52:52

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Website construction and web design are the premise and foundation of optimization. The webmaster of website design must be clear about the layout purpose of the website at the beginning of the design, because the methods used are very different for different website types. What should be followed in website design at this time? What about the details? As a professional advertising company with rich experience in web design, Shanghai Haohe Advertising believes that we should think and analyze through the following details.
First, the convergence between user needs and content deployment.
In the general web page layout process, the first step is website navigation. The navigation is simple and clear. The content generally covers product introduction, about us, news information, etc. The second module should reflect the core needs of the website. The core needs are mainly reflected in the secondary column pages or The service or product display in the key position in the upper left corner of the homepage mainly presents the content that users care about most in front of users, while the related needs complement the core needs and mainly serve to supplement the core needs.
Second, the layout and structural design analysis of the website.
Below is a corporate website template for advertising, which can explain the problem more simply. This layout is the most common Chinese-shaped structure. It mainly includes the header area of the homepage. The file header mainly places the company logo, values, contact information, corporate culture and other details. The middle part mainly includes the column list on the left, which is generally product classification. The middle part of the left side mainly includes company introduction, service concept, etc. The right side can be placed with some corporate news and site search functions, and the bottom is the website copyright information, registration number, address, and contact information.
Third, analysis of the positioning principles of website keywords.
The following is the pyramid method used by Haohe Advertising to position the core words of the display website. Website keywords must be progressively advanced layer by layer based on user needs. Core words are generally located on the homepage of the website. Secondary keywords and hot words are usually displayed on column pages or topic pages. For performance, the main thing the content page does is the long-tail keywords of the website. With these rough frameworks, there will be no big deviations in keyword deployment. This needs to be clear.
Fourth, a website is valuable because it is small and sophisticated. Its professionalism reflects the brand value of the website.
Especially for corporate websites, each company has several core products. As a website, it should reflect the corporate value through these key products. If your company has relatively few products and displays a lot of products you don't have or immature products on the website in order to show your superiority, it will be very unprofessional and not professional enough, and your brand value will inevitably be greatly affected.
At present, website design and optimization must tend to complement each other. Without professional web design, many details that are intended to be expressed in the optimization process will be difficult to exert their due value. As a qualified webmaster, you must think more about the design at the beginning of the website construction and integrate design and optimization thinking as much as possible, so as to make the maintenance work easier and simpler.

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