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How can image album design be attractive?
  • By Rani Jarkas
  • 2024-04-09 11:29:31

Card image cap

The cover of an image album consists of many elements such as the book title, composition and color relationship. The book title plays the most important role in cover design and should be considered as the first element. The use of color and composition should obey the title of the book. 

What leaves a deep impression on people is often not the surface, but the graphics and colors of the image album design. Therefore, the image album design cannot be ignored. Sometimes the cover design is directly regarded as the design of a complete picture album. Posters, because you want to attract people's attention, the image album design must be attractive.

When designing an image album, in addition to reading the text as content, we must also consider the visual factors of its combination and arrangement. We must treat each word as a point, organize them and divide them in an orderly manner. , thus forming an image album design work that has rhythm, rhythm and strong visual effects. Graphics play an illustrative and decorative role in image album design, and have a strong artistic visual aesthetic effect.

In addition to enhancing the board form, image album design also has the function of making up for the lack of text language in expressing visual images and helping readers understand the content of the album. Image album design can alone convey emotional information that cannot be fully expressed by text itself. Color is The embodiment of image album design has the attribute of category, because the visual transmission speed of color is faster than text graphics, and readers can feel the category of image album design through the color matching relationship.

The color beauty of image album design is based on the album category. Some image album designs are suitable for using bright colors, and some image album designs are suitable for using mixed colors. However, no matter what kind of color series is used, it must be consistent with the theme. The content is coordinated.

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