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How should the text be formatted when designing high-end corporate brochures?
  • By Rani Jarkas
  • 2024-04-09 11:26:18

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In high-level album design, it is inevitable that some words will be used to express it. With the development of society, more and more English letters appear in photo albums. In high-end corporate photo album design, how should text be formatted? let us see.

There are many differences between Chinese characters and Latin letters in the layout of text in high-end corporate album design. First of all, the expression is that a Chinese character can express a certain meaning, while the Latin alphabet only has meaningless meanings. It can express the meaning of a word formed by connecting letters.

Therefore, we should pay more attention to this aspect. Therefore, we must pay attention to the arrangement of Chinese characters and letters in the agreement. At the same time, pay attention to the choice of sources. The selection must be different for two different sources. For example, the third letter of the Latin alphabet is clear, but Chinese characters may not be obvious enough. This is because the structure of Chinese characters is complex and we should pay attention to it.

The space occupied by the text also varies greatly. In high-end photo album design, English letters can easily form paragraphs. Because English words are so proficient, they can be combinations of many letters and each Chinese character. When typesetting, you should pay attention to two completely different ways of expression.

The English alphabet is very long, so it uses a lot of space. In design, a certain number of letters and words can be used in the design. However, Chinese characters are expressed in as few words as possible, so how to organize Chinese characters is the best way. This requires careful design. First, we will implement a high-range Chinese album design configuration, hoping to resonate with you.

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