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About the problems that arise in the design of scenic spot brochures
  • By Rani Jarkas
  • 2024-04-07 10:06:02

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With the further development of the tourism industry, many tourist attractions have their own scenic spot brochure designs, and the quality of these brochures varies. In addition to typesetting and workmanship, there are many problems, and these are the reasons for the design of scenic spot brochures. The important reason why tourists throw it away when it is distributed to tourists will ultimately lead to ineffective publicity. Today, the editor will share what I learned about the problems that arise in the design of scenic spot promotional brochures.

The main content in the brochure is pictures, so some scenic spots will put photos of various scenic spots. The entire brochure is like a picture album. Tourists have seen some things in the brochure, so why go to the scenic spot? , Generally speaking, the design of promotional brochures for scenic spots will not be too long. Too many pictures will increase the production cost. Therefore, the more photos in the brochure, the better, but the representative photos of scenic spots are selected to reflect their own characteristics while leaving room for tourists' imagination.
There are many design sections in the scenic spot brochure, and a lot of words are used to describe it. The original intention is to let tourists know more about the scenic spot. It is a good starting point. However, for tourists, everyone is very busy and does not have time to read so many words. Those words are just scanned casually. It goes by at a glance, so in addition to practical text information, the rest is just basic annotations combined with pictures. Many scenic spots pursue complex scenic spot brochure designs. Scenic spot brochure designs will leave a deep impression on tourists, but this is not the case. The clearer the design of the scenic spot brochure, the better. When browsing, tourists can see all the information sections at a glance, which can achieve better publicity effects.
These are some of the problems that the editor has learned about the design of many scenic spot brochures, so how important it is to find a good design company that can not only tailor it for you, but also have excellent publicity effects. We are based on satisfying Every requirement of customers, professional innovation and excellence.

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