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Brand brochure design for large enterprises - brand promotion wins the market
  • By Rani Jarkas
  • 2024-03-27 16:51:41

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Large enterprise brand brochure design - Relying on brochures for marketing is an effective marketing method used by many enterprises. Compared with other publicity methods, brochures have the characteristics of low publicity cost and more direct publicity effect. Therefore, many companies tend to use more brochures for advertising when conducting market promotions. For this reason, large corporate brand brochures are designed The quality has become an important factor affecting the effectiveness of corporate publicity. Therefore, improving the design quality of large corporate brand brochures is particularly critical for corporate market promotion.

When designing a large corporate brand brochure, you must first determine a clear design goal, that is to say, in what market environment the brochure will be used for publicity, what publicity concepts need to be reflected, and what kind of publicity content needs to be conveyed. Once the design goal of a large corporate brand brochure is determined, the designer can fill in the design materials according to this goal, and at the same time reasonably structure the design level and design structure to maximize the presentation of the relevant product information and information that the brochure needs to convey. market information.

The design of brand brochures for large enterprises also needs to pay attention to the appearance of the album and the design structure. The appearance of the brochure here is mainly reflected in three aspects, namely the cover of the brochure, the back cover design of the brochure and the central axis design of the brochure. The design structure is a high-level summary and summary of the content of a picture album. Contains all content topics of the album. A simple and clear album design structure is more popular among readers. The album structure includes the structural level of each inner page content, and the hierarchy and relationship between page content.

The design of brand brochures for large enterprises must not only consider the transmission of information, but also take more into account market factors. After all, the ultimate goal of brand brochure design for large enterprises is to serve the corporate market, so designers must be sure when designing brochures. Fully reflect the market factors.

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