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Several types of links will not be crawled by Baidu. Please be careful when exch
  • By Rani Jarkas
  • 2024-03-14 15:58:01

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Students who do SEO all know that friendly links can attract spiders very well, but some webmasters just like to play tricks on friendly links. Here are some common cheating methods that you can take precautions against when exchanging friendly links.

Cheating 1: Robots file blocks links
If the robots of the other party's website block all friendly links or your links, then Baidu will not crawl your website. This exchange is meaningless. Disallow means not to allow crawling. Check whether the other party's robots file has such content. Writing method.

Cheating 2: Add the nofollow attribute to friendly links
Nofollow means that Baidu does not transfer weight, and such links are meaningless. F12 can tell the difference by looking at the code of the link.

Cheating 3: Frame nested iframe
This is a relatively low-end method, and you can use F12 to view the code.

Cheating 4: Links to fake homepages
The URL that the other party links to you may not be the one with the highest weight. It just looks like the same website, but it is not actually the same website. You can use the webmaster tool to query it.

Cheating 5: Friendly links generated by JS
This kind of connection spider will not crawl it. To check this kind of connection, you need to look at the source code of the web page and search if there is your friendly link in it, because you can see it by pressing F12, but in the source code it is No.

There are also some spam sites, and you should also pay attention to cheating sites.

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